Household Information:
Age Breakdown (in years):
Maritial Status:
Housing: Median home value (2013 est.): $276,588 Median rent: $860/month |
Income: Median family income (2009): $60,364 $35,000-$75,000: 46.6% Per Capita income: $24,562 Median earnings Male: $39,597 Female: $23,292 |
Race Breakdown:
Housing Units:
Climate: Average maximum temperature is 57 deg. F. Average minimum temperature is 42 deg. F. Growing season is 148 days of the year. Average annual precipitation is 47 inches. |
Class of Worker:
Year Structure Built:
Educational attainment 25-years-old and older: Less than 9th grade: 4.7% 9-12th grade (no diploma): 7.2% High School graduate: 32.3%Some college: No degree: 24.1% AA degree: 6.3% BA degree: 18.8% Graduate school/ professional degree: 6.7% |